Friday, January 11, 2019

A Conference You Need to Attend: DO NO HARM - Boots on the Ground Pro-Life Conference

Texas Right to Life is hosting an fantastic conference on January 26 and 27 in Austin that I highly recommend you attend. As they explain:

Pro-Lifers like you may be well-versed in abortion issues, but fewer members of our cause know about the topic of euthanasia. And tragically, many people first learn about these issues and patients’ rights (or lack thereof) when they or their family members are hospitalized. You can learn about medical ethics, assisted suicide, your rights as a patient, brain death, organ donation, and more at the Boots on the Ground conference! In addition to conference talks and activities, attendees will have a chance to march at the Texas Capitol with thousands of others in commemoration of the 46th Roe v. Wade anniversary. 
New this year, Boots on the Ground welcomes Pro-Lifers of all ages! As a high school or college student or a non-student adult, you can attend with your loved ones, bring your church group, or spread the word to your local youth ministry! You’ll hear from state and national Pro-Life advocates about these important issues that could affect you. Join us in Austin January 26-27, 2019!

I am excited to announce that I will be attending the entire conference and that I will also be speaking a bit as part of a panel discussion. The list of speakers is truly excellent and I'm thrilled to be able to hear Bobby Schindler speak for the first time in person. All these years and I've never had that privilege.

Here is the schedule and how to register. Go and do so today so you don't miss out!

This is just an excellent way to jump start this legislative session which started Monday. To that end, Texas Right to Life has published its list of legislative priorities for this session which includes (among other things, so go read about them all in detail) repealing the Texas Advance Directives Act ("TADA"), or what is often called "the 10-Day Law." As they explain, and as you've read here for years, this is a horrendous law, the lowlights of which are described by TxRTL as follows:

  • Currently, the Texas Advance Directives Act (Section 166.046, Texas Health & Safety Code) authorizes physicians and hospitals to withdraw and deny basic life-sustaining medical treatment from a patient against his or her expressed wishes.
  • Texas law only requires that the patient or his or her surrogate receive a mere 10-day notice of the physician’s or hospital’s intent to withdraw and deny the requested basic treatment.
  • Once the hospital’s own ethics committee makes and approves the decision to withdraw and deny care, the patient has limited legal recourse, thus depriving patients of their civil liberties by giving power over life and death decisions to hospital committees.
  • This Pro-Life bill repeals this provision so that basic life-sustaining treatment will be continued until the patient is transferred to a more appropriate care setting or to another physician who will honor the patient’s medical decisions regarding life and death.

  • As you know, TxRTL is the only pro-life organization in the state that helps patients navigate this law when their loved one is in the cross-hairs of a hospital. From time to time, I've been asked to help out a bit and I have. I have covered a case or two here, but I have not blogged on everything I've witnessed in just the few cases I've been involved in. Those with TxRTL have been doing this for decades now and their incredible number of experiences would curl your hair. And then fire you up to do something about it! I will be speaking about my experiences and observations a bit on January 27, as will others, including victims of the law. It will be a well-rounded weekend that will have us participate in life events honoring the dignity and value of all life from conception until natural death. Come join us!

    Thanks for reading! I hope to see you soon!